Saturday, March 30, 2013

6 months!!

We have made it to the six month mark!! I cannot believe how fast this is going by. My first pregnancy I was so worried about everything going well and I just couldn't wait for it to be over so I could meet my little prince. Don't get me wrong this time around I cant wait to meet him but I love being pregnant and want to be able to enjoy our last couple months with Ryker as an only child. His world is going to drastically change and I worried how he is going to handle it. He has had mommy's full attention for almost two years now. I know he is going to be a great big brother but how well will he do sharing his mommy? I'm sure all second time Mom's go through these fears. If you have any advice on making the transition easier feel free to comment. Any ways we are planning on a day at the park and a cook out. Its suppose to be in the 60's! Woohoo :) Easter weekend is in full relaxation mode! We dyed eggs last night and left me tell you Ryk love it! But he got mad when he couldn't play with them. Ill post more later. I hope you all have a great Easter Weekend!!

24 Weeks today

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