Thursday, May 9, 2013

30 weeks Baby!

Hello All!
(Sorry for the dirty mirror!)
        We have made it to 30 weeks! I feel like I am already ready to pop! My littlest man is staying very active which keeps mommy on her toes. Workouts are getting easier. I've recruited some friends to join in as well as my husband and of course Ryker which has kept my motivation up! The weather has been nice off and on so I've been adding in walks with Ryker and Dolce as much as possible! I'm working out at least 5 days a week. A typical gym session includes 30 minute power walk on the treadmill at a pace of at least 4.0 mph. Some days I'll do intervals between 4.0 and 4.5 mph and other times I'll increase the incline instead of the speed. Adding in those hills are always great of the butt! I also do 2 sets of 15 squats holding 10 pound dumbbells, 2 sets of 15 lunges forward with 10 pounders as well as 2 sets of backward lunges with 10 pounders. I do 2 sets of 15 calf raisers and 2 sets of 15 donkey kicks and hip bridges. Upper body wise I do bicep curls and triceps kickbacks (2 sets of 15 with 5 lb dumbbells/ arm for each exercise) and dips. I haven't been doing much in the area of core exercise but I do try to do two 30 second side planks per side and 2 kneeling planks for 30 seconds as well as 2 sets of 15 standing side bends for those pesky love handles. My eating habits have been good for the most part. I still treat myself to a small dessert or a small scoop of ice cream twice a week. But over all I am feeling terrific and getting very ready to meet my sweet little boy! Hopefully the last trimester will go smoothly and I can continue feeling great!  
       Here's my 30 week up date:
How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Wearing maternity clothes? Yes, mostly tops
Stretch marks? No
Sleeping: all the time! I'm exhausted all the time!
Best moment this week: Watching your little hand punch up though my skin! You were boxing on my belly and that's the first time I've ever seen that with either pregnancy.
Have you told friends and family? Yes
Miss anything: tanning and hard workouts, a Strawberry Margarita
Movement: tons! He is very active 24/7
Food cravings: Watermelon, chocolate covered or Boston Cream Donuts
Anything make you sick? Nope, thankfully!
Have you started to show: I definitely have a well defined baby bump! I cannot wait to show it off at the pool!
Gender prediction: He is a handsome little boy!!
Labor signs: I've had a little pressure but nothing too serious. We still have a while!
Belly button in or out: Half way out. I think it might pop all the way this time around.
Wedding ring on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy everything has been going really well lately and He is such a blessing I can't help but be happy and excited!
Looking forward too: Of course meeting my little prince. Family starting to come visit and my up coming doctors appt on the 13 of May. I'm also excited to get Ryker to the beach
   I hope you all have an absolutely amazing weekend! Hopefully the weather is beautiful and you can be outside enjoying it with your families!! Feel free to comment about your journey with pregnancy, weight loss or just to say Hello! I love to hear from you! God Bless!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

27 weeks and bumping!

We are now into the 3rd trimester!! Woohoo!! Home stretch! I am feeling great and so excited to meet my sweetheart! He has been a very busy boy! I love all of his movement but its getting harder to sleep.  Here's some bump pictures for the week. One of my best friends had her shower celebrating her first child. It was a great day and it was so great to see her! Our sons will be about 6 weeks apart and I'm so excited to watch them all grow up together! 

I have been keeping up with my workouts. This weeks workouts have included:

Friday: pregnancy fitness DVD 2nd trimester

Saturday: day off for the shower

Sunday: Walked to and played at the park with Ryker (about 2 hours); 2 side planks per side, each held for 45 seconds; 2 planks held for 45 seconds each; 2 sets of 20 hip bridges.

Monday: My workout was broke up into 2 parts. The weather was horrible so we had to hit the treadmill and Ryker really wasn't up to it.
  Part One: Treadmill 15 minutes (4 minutes at 4.3 mph at 5.0% incline, 4 minutes at 4.0 mph at 8.5% incline, 2 minutes at 4.2 mph at 0% incline, 5 minutes at 4.0 mph at 0% incline. Burning about 124 calories for a total of 1.01 miles)
 2 sets 15 reps squats hold 15 lb dumbbells
 10 alternating forward walking lunges with 15 lb dumb bells
 15 reps per leg backward walking lunges with 10 lb dumb bells
10 squats to over head press with 10 lb dumb bells
10 bicep curls with 10 lb bells
10 triceps kickbacks with 10 lb bells
15 reps per leg curtsey lunges with 10 lb dumb bells

  Part Two: Treadmill 17 minutes (1 mile at 4.1 mph at a 1.5 % incline; 1 minute per side, shuffling at 3.5 mph and 1.5% incline. (If you haven't done this before start at a slow pace and PLEASE hold on to the hand rails!!!) burned about 107 calories and went 1.12 miles.
  Elliptical: 14:50 minutes, 1 mile at a 0 ramp and 4.2 resistance. Burned about 122 calories.

Tuesday was a day off

Wednesday, today: Ryker once again was not up for the gym but I did manage: 6.5 minutes on the treadmill. Totaling .60 of a mile and burning 60.3 calories. I did a jog/ power walk interval. 2 minute walk at 4.2 mph and 1 minute jog at 5.5 mph; with 0% incline.
  Elliptical: intervals for 5 minutes (highs were at 10 ramp/ 5 resistance and The Lows were at 4 cross ramp/ 5 resistance. I also did 5 more minutes at a 10 cross ramp and 6 resistance. These two sessions totaled .86 of a mile in 10 minutes and burned about 98 calories.
  After the gym I took Ryker to the park and played on the playground doing some stairs and then went for a mile walk. I finished today's workout with 2 sets of 20 donkey kicks per leg, a 40 second plank followed by lots of stretching!!

I hope you all have a lovely night! I am going to enjoy some peace and quiet since the little man went to bed early and might head that way myself!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baby at 26 weeks

Our baby boy is 2+ pounds and approximately 9 1/4 inches long. He is practicing sucking and can hear sounds so make sure you read, sing and talk to your little one!

How far along? 26 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Wearing maternity clothes? Yes, mostly tops 
Stretch marks? No
Sleeping: all the time! I'm exhausted all the time!
Best moment this week: listening to your heart beat at the doctors!
Have you told friends and family? Yes
Miss anything: tanning and hard workouts
Movement: tons! He is very active 24/7
Food cravings: skittles and frosting
Anything make you sick? Nope, thankfully!
Have you started to show: oh yes there is definitely a bump there
Gender prediction: He is a handsome little boy!!
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out: starting to stretch flat
Wedding ring on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: mostly happy this is such a blessing!
Looking forward too: meeting my little prince and the weather warming up!!

Week 26 and counting!

Hello all!

I am now 26 weeks and 4 days! I am feeling pretty good. I've started having swelling in my legs which has slowed my workout schedule. Thankfully it has come a lot later than during my first pregnancy. I had my six month appointment and was feeling great about how things were going. I've gained 20 lbs so far which is much better than where I was at this time with my first. My doctor however burst my bubble. She is concerned I'm gaining weight too quickly so I will be meeting with a nutritionist to see what we can do. I don't feel like I'm over eating or anything but who knows maybe I am. On a more positive note I have been walking at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. My son has been a great motivator. The warm weather has him wanting to be outside constantly so mommy has no choice but to lace up her tennies and hit the pavement! Today we walked 2.08 miles in 34 minutes. I'm also lifting light weights 5-15 lbs depending what I'm working 3 days a week. I'm hoping to add another day of lifting and another day of cardio to my plan once things slow down a little. So in the next week or so. What types of exercises do you do or did you do to stay in shape while pregnant? I'd love any tips you have!!

26 weeks bump pic

Saturday, March 30, 2013

6 months!!

We have made it to the six month mark!! I cannot believe how fast this is going by. My first pregnancy I was so worried about everything going well and I just couldn't wait for it to be over so I could meet my little prince. Don't get me wrong this time around I cant wait to meet him but I love being pregnant and want to be able to enjoy our last couple months with Ryker as an only child. His world is going to drastically change and I worried how he is going to handle it. He has had mommy's full attention for almost two years now. I know he is going to be a great big brother but how well will he do sharing his mommy? I'm sure all second time Mom's go through these fears. If you have any advice on making the transition easier feel free to comment. Any ways we are planning on a day at the park and a cook out. Its suppose to be in the 60's! Woohoo :) Easter weekend is in full relaxation mode! We dyed eggs last night and left me tell you Ryk love it! But he got mad when he couldn't play with them. Ill post more later. I hope you all have a great Easter Weekend!!

24 Weeks today

Thursday, March 28, 2013

23 week update

Hello All! I hope everyone is doing well on the Thursday morning! I know I sure am! My workouts are going great. I've gotten in 5 days of cardio and strength training every other day. Today's workout will consist of a 40 minute power walk/ jog outside with my little man and the Pregnancy Fitness Second Trimester DVD. The weather is slowly warming up this week so I've been trying to get us outside as much as possible! My eating plan is going well also. I had a small binge two days ago and ate 3 large chocolate chip cookies but other than that its going great. I added my protein shakes back into my diet as one of my five meals a day. They are helping so much with making sure I'm getting the recommended 60-100 grams of protein per day. Today's Shake included: I scoop of vanilla protein (contains 20g of protein), 7 frozen strawberries, 1 medium banana, 1/4 cup plain all natural yogurt and 1.5 cups of water. It was delicious!! We are heading out to do some grocery shopping and then dinner with some of the girls. I hope you all have a great day and check back tomorrow for my 24 week photo!! I cannot believe 6 months has gone by!!

Here's my 23 week photo

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bump Pictures

Working out and eating healthy has been going well! I am working out at least 4 times a week and most weeks its 6 days. We took a mini vacation to head home and visit family. The cold weather and snow have made it very hard to workout outside so I've mainly been doing my DVD's and a couple pinterest workouts.
20 Weeks 5 Days 
20 weeks 5 days

20 Weeks, weight gain is 12 lbs total

It's A BOY!!!!

I am so very pleased and proud to announce we are expecting our second son!! It's A BOY!! We are so excited to meet him! Ryk is super pumped to be a big brother! Mommy knew right away I was blessed with another Prince, the tech slowly typed it out which killed my husband! He is one proud Papa!

He is one proud big brother! We had planned to take announcement pictures outside but due to bad weather we improvised.
 My outfit the day we found out!

Monday, February 25, 2013

18 week bump picture

18 weeks 3 days belly! Just a little bump :) I'm feeling much better this week! 

19 weeks

Hello all!! I am 19 weeks today and feeling great! I am on my 5th straight day of exercising and eating healthy. I have so much more energy and its only been a couple days on my new routine. The last couple days I have been eating 5 small meals throughout the day along with at least 30 minutes of cardio and strength training every other day. Ive also done a half hour to an hour of yoga each night.Today my menu consisted of:  scrambled egg with a slice of toast first thing in the morning. Snack was a sm. glass of grape juice and raw almonds. Lunch was tuna fish and crackers with a small salad. Dinner I had tacos and of my dessert/ last meal was a spinach and fruit smoothie. I feel full all day long and am staying within my calorie range. This is a big week for us! Tomorrow we get to find out the gender of our little one!! Mommy is guess another boy. :) I will post our announcement tomorrow evening!

Baby update

How far along: 19 weeks
Total weight gain/ loss: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet, be band over unbuttoned jeans is still working. I did go shopping this past weekend for some cute new maternity clothes!
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: moved to my left side and sleeping throughout the night.
Best moment this week: my husband feeling the little one kick! And of course finding out the gender!!
Have you told family/ friends: yes, they are all extremely excited!
Miss anything? : sushi, a turkey sub!!
Movement: Yes! Your little flutters are so sweet and strong!
Food Cravings: chocolate chip cookies, fresh fruit and Mac n cheese
Anything make you queasy or sick? : No
Have you started to show: yes, my little bump is starting to show
Gender Prediction: boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the Time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Finding out if our little one is a boy or girl!!!

Have a great night everyone! Check back tomorrow to find out the big news!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Announcing Baby Number 2

Hello All!

I am finally able to post again. I have been having some computer issues but thankfully those are fixed and I am Back! Which is just in time because I have very exciting news!!  We can now proudly announce...We are expecting Baby # 2!!! I am 18 weeks along and the baby is developing perfectly! We are very excited to meet the newest member of our family this July! I will be continuing my fashion posts as well as sharing this amazing journey with you.

Thankfully once we decided to expand our family, it didn't take long for us to received the positive test we were looking for. I was so excited to tell my husband when he got home from work. I knew he had a big test that day so my son and I went and bought balloons, a six pack, made a sign and baked his favorite cookies. At the bottom of our sign I wrote out all of our names including our furry baby and last but very not least in big letters I wrote and Baby M. It took him a minute to realize what I meant but when he did he couldn't believe it. He pick my son up and gave us a huge hug and kiss. I was of course beaming with joy! I had been all day! We decided to wait to tell our families when we went home for Thanksgiving a few weeks later. They are all extremely excited as well. My pregnancy this time around has been a little more challenging than my first. I was very tired with my son but if I took a nap or two during the day I could still manage my busy schedule. I wish I could say the same this time around. I'm even more exhausted! I know that I am chasing around a toddler but man oh man could this mama pass out for a 3 hour nap at the drop of a hat! :) So I am back to napping when baby naps (A great tip I was given before he was born) but it doesn't even tough how tired I am. I am trying to eat healthy and continue my exercise routine but that has also been more difficult to keep up with! I expected to have tons of energy and no issues continuing my already set exercise and healthy eating plan. But Ive found myself slacking terribly. I gain 43 pounds the first time around and it was very hard on me both physically and emotionally. I gave up exercising because I was afraid it was going to hurt my little one and caved into every craving that came my way. We walked to the ice cream shop almost every day! I am a strong believer that you CANNOT deprive yourself but I just allowed myself to stop caring. I justified everything with the idea that I could lose the weight later. I didn't realize how hard it would be to lose or the amount of strain I was putting on my body and my baby. I was mortified when I came home from the hospital still looking pregnant. In my head I assumed the baby comes out the belly goes away but because I had gain so much extra and not taken care of myself I actually came home still looking VERY pregnant. To be honest it wasn't the belly that bothered me. I knew that the skin and muscles had to stretch and expand to hold my little one and that would take time to go away but I did not expect my legs to be huge. My whole pregnancy everyone said "You're all baby." "You're just belly." I couldn't see my feet so I couldn't see the weight I was gaining down there. The extra weight put so much pressure on my knees that by the end of my pregnancy I couldn't do a squat or lunge if I tried. So I decided that when the doctor gave me the go ahead I would get my body back within 5 months of my son's birth. I had a C-section so it took 8 weeks after he was born to start the journey but I was determined and by the time 5 months rolled around I was only 5 pounds from my goal and could wear all of my old clothes again. I had not only lost the weight but was in better shape and had more muscle than before I got pregnant. The last 5 pounds disappeared after I stopped breast feeding. I knew that I never wanted to let my body hurt like that again and I always wanted to be a good example for my children. I swore that the next time around I would keep up a reasonable exercise routine and try to eat as best as I could. I am 18 weeks right now and have gained 9 pounds. I have hit some ups and downs in the eating department but after realizing that if I deprive myself I am only going to over eat later, I am slowly getting back on track. I have also gotten horrible about eating fast food. Yes its easy but when you take in your entire days calories in one meal you can pack on the pounds and not even realize it. Towards the end of my first trimester the cravings really set in and all I wanted were salty french fries, candy and  Mac and cheese. When I went to the doctor and she said she would like me to gain 10 lbs my 20 weeks and I was only a pound away from that at 16 weeks I knew I was going to have to buckle down to stay on track. So I am going to finish my second trimester with a new approach. I will eat a small portion of my craving and get back in the habit of preparing meals in advance and hopefully this will stop the visits to the Fast Food drive Thur! My goal is to gain 30 pounds with this baby and I think that is a very possible! I am starting back on my 30 minutes of cardio daily and strength training 3 times a week routine. I really enjoy yoga and the Pregnancy Fitness DVD series so those are also becoming regulars. And as always the added bonus of chasing my little man, some of the best exercise out there!

I am so excited to share this journey with all of you. Wish me luck and feel free to leave any advice or tips that worked well for you!

First Pregnancy

Pre Second Pregnancy
18 Weeks Picture