My husband and I are getting back into the swing of healthy living now that the ciaos of moving is over. I start everyday with kick start workout. I do 50 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 mountain climbers each leg, 30 second plank, 7 burpees. I repeat this 2 to 3 times. Its gets your heart pumping but doesn't take long and I know that if I don't get anything else in that day I at least got my heart rate up for those 15 minutes. Tonight's workout was cardio. I started off on the stationary bike and did a 5 minute mile warm up. After that I hoped on the treadmill and ran 1.25 miles and power walked the other three quarters mile. I try to keep my speed above 7 while running and above 4 at a power walk. I'm 5'7" so that's a steady pace run not full out but to where its hard to hold a conversation. I always finish with at least a 5 minute cool down. It has taken so much for me to get back into running after my pregnancy. I had high blood pressure so I was only allowed to walk. I gained 43 pounds which put me at the heaviest my body had ever been. This took a huge tole on my knees. But things are slowly starting to feel normal again. My goal is to be able to run a 5k with my husband at the end of the month. I finished the work out with abs. I do abs everyday whether it's a strength training or cardio day. I think they are very important to keeping a strong back and with carrying a baby around so much we all know you need those Mommy Muscles!! My ab routine was 2 sets of 25 opposite knee to opposite elbow ( I do 25 on each side.), 25 crunches, 25 sit ups and 25 double crunches ( you start with your knees bent to a 90 degree angle and your hand behind your head, you crunch your upper abs forward while lifting your butt off the ground and bring your knees towards your face.)
Post workout picture: I ran out of my powder protein so a protein Naked was the next best thing.
I would also like to share some other new products I'm trying:
The Aloe Vera is amazing. Its sweet and refreshing and lets not forget really good for you! It comes in a couple of other flavors that are great but I think the original is delicious.
The Kale Chips I had heard great things about but am not a fan. I'm going to try to bake them in the toaster oven to see if they will be better if they are a little more crunchy.
I love Greek Yogurt and this Dannons Oikos in Black Cherry is great. Ryker also approves of it.
The Vita Coco coconut water with peach and mango is good but I cant drink it straight. I mix it into my smoothies it adds great flavor.
I hope you try some of these products and workout ideas. Feel free to comment with other products you like or workout ideas. I'm always looking for new things to try!
Remember listen to your body and even if your walking, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!
Have an amazing day!
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