Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fit and Fabulous- Nov. 13, 2012 Food Prep

Hello All!

   I wanted to take a minute to share some of my tips on eating healthy. We all know with busy lives its much easier to run through a drive thru rather than cooking at home. Its very important to me to teach my son healthy eating habits from the very beginning. Children learn from their parents and the food we give them and the foods they see us put into our bodies shapes their future nutritional habits. I've found if I plan my meals for the entire week and prepare a grocery list before going to the store I will buy those healthy items that I want to teach him to love. Not only does planning out your meals cut back the hassle of trying to figure out what to make, it gives you a plan so you don't wonder around the store. If you stick to your list you are less likely to by junk that's not good for you or that you don't need. When I get home from the grocery store I wash and cut all of my fruits and vegetables. This way they are ready for the busy week ahead.When storing the food in the fridge, I store it in clear containers so it is very easy to see what I have. I keep it on the front of the shelf that I am most inclined to look at first. For me that's the middle shelf. I also keep the fridge stocked with lots of healthy drink options such as water, coconut water, Aloe Vera Juice, Orange Juice, and Milk. An important thing to remember is that drinks have calories too. It's better to take in healthy drinks rather than sodas or other beverages that have empty calories. Try to look for natural juices that don't have much added to them. Another great tip for the grocery store is to stay on the outside of the isles. Most stores stock the fresh foods around the outside of the store so if you stick to those areas you will fill your cart with healthy foods and not processed junk.

  Another one of my favorite tips is to leave cleaned fresh fruit out on the counter. Its bright and colorful so when I walk out for a snack its sitting right there and I'll grab that instead of cookies or junk food.

So for now to Recap:
   1. Make weekly meal plans
   2. Go to the grocery store with a plan and stick to the outside isles.
   3. Wash and cut vegetables after getting home.
   4. Store in clear containers, that are easily accessible
   5. Stock up on healthy drink options
   6. Keep bright, fresh fruit on the counter for fast snacking.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Happy Monday!

What a wonderful way to start the week! Today was a beautiful day and I got to spend it with my two favorite men. We took Ryker to ride the carousel for the first time. He thought it was so much fun. Mommy and Daddy however got a little sick from the circles. After we went for a long walk in the warm fall air and looked at all of the beautiful colored leaves. After watching a little bit of the Steelers game with my husband I figured I should get a quick workout it. So for today I did my usual morning workout in the morning and then again at night. I'm feeling a little tired after all of our family cardio so I decided it would be ok to take it easy tonight. My husband was so sweet and gave me a foot rub when I got home. I am so blessed to have such an amazing man. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Outfit of the Day:
Waiting patiently for his turn.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fit and Fabulous- November 11, 2012 workout and new products!

My husband and I are getting back into the swing of healthy living now that the ciaos of moving is over. I start everyday with kick start workout. I do 50 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 mountain climbers each leg, 30 second plank, 7 burpees. I repeat this 2 to 3 times. Its gets your heart pumping but doesn't take long and I know that if I don't get anything else in that day I at least got my heart rate up for those 15 minutes. Tonight's workout was cardio. I started off on the stationary bike and did a 5 minute mile warm up. After that I hoped on the treadmill and ran 1.25 miles and power walked the other three quarters mile. I try to keep my speed above 7 while running and above 4 at a power walk. I'm 5'7" so that's a steady pace run not full out but to where its hard to hold a conversation. I always finish with at least a 5 minute cool down. It has taken so much for me to get back into running after my pregnancy. I had high blood pressure so I was only allowed to walk. I gained 43 pounds which put me at the heaviest my body had ever been. This took a huge tole on my knees. But things are slowly starting to feel normal again. My goal is to be able to run a 5k with my husband at the end of the month. I finished the work out with abs. I do abs everyday whether it's a strength training or cardio day. I think they are very important to keeping a strong back and with carrying a baby around so much we all know you need those Mommy Muscles!! My ab routine was 2 sets of 25 opposite knee to opposite elbow ( I do 25 on each side.), 25 crunches, 25 sit ups and 25 double crunches ( you start with your knees bent to a 90 degree angle and your hand behind your head, you crunch your upper abs forward while lifting your butt off the ground and bring your knees towards your face.)

Post workout picture:  I ran out of my powder protein so a protein Naked was the next best thing.

I would also like to share some other new products I'm trying:

The Aloe Vera is amazing. Its sweet and refreshing and lets not forget really good for you! It comes in a couple of other flavors that are great but I think the original is delicious.
The Kale Chips I had heard great things about but am not a fan. I'm going to try to bake them in the toaster oven to see if they will be better if they are a little more crunchy.
I love Greek Yogurt and this Dannons Oikos in Black Cherry is great. Ryker also approves of it.
The Vita Coco coconut water with peach and mango is good but I cant drink it straight. I mix it into my smoothies it adds great flavor.

I hope you try some of these products and workout ideas. Feel free to comment with other products you like or workout ideas. I'm always looking for new things to try!

 Remember listen to your body and even if your walking, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!

Have an amazing day!

November 11, 2012

Hello All!

First of all Happy Veteran's Day to all of those who have served our country and are currently serving! I cannot thank you enough!! I was so thankful to have such beautiful weather on this beautiful Sunday! 72 degrees in November, I'll take it! In honor of the beautiful day we spent it outside. The family went for a couple long walks and to the park. Ryker and Dolce had a blast chasing the leaves. My husband even gave up watching his Sunday football to come spend the day with the family. I was very proud of him! We went out to Olive Garden for Dinner and that probably wasn't the best idea. The foot was amazing but it was a mad house due to the holiday. It was still a nice night with the loves of my life. Ryker did amazing. He fused a little but with having to wait an hour before we even got sat I was very proud of him. When we got home we read for a while and then the little man was quickly off to bed so mommy hit the gym for a late night workout. Ill make another post with those details. I hope you all had a lovely day! I'm going to go cuddle up with my husband and watch a movie.

Outfit of the Day:

November 10, 2012

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We are loving this amazing weather! We spent the day at the park as a family and then my husband made an amazing fresh seafood dinner. I had lobster tail with broccoli Alfredo and my husband had scallops and broccoli Alfredo. My son clearly loved his Alfredo! We also took him to see horses for the first time. He thought they were pretty cool. I cant wait to be able to take him riding.

Mom outfit of the Day:
Jeans, a comfy sweater and of course a fall must have boots.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

I got my wish and today was an absolutely beautiful fall day! Blue skies and sunny with a crisp breeze. We made it to the park and the dog park. I had two happy children! To top the great day off my husband surprised us!

Day Three Mommy Outfit

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7,2012

Today was a fabulous day even though it was rainy and cold. I got to bust out the rain boots which I will never complain about. We had a great mommy and me work out and then played on my son's in door activity center. He LOVES the slide. After we played and had some learning activities we made lunch. My son rearranged my flowers for me while I was cooking. He is so helpful, I'm telling you!
After a long day of playing we cuddled up and read some of his favorite books before bed. It was the perfect way to end a peaceful day.

Day Two Mommy Outfit:
Jeans (American Eagle), Cotton tee (Victoria's Secret), Blazer, and my favorite high healed Sperry rain boots.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day One

Today we had my son's one year pictures. After having an amazing morning we leave the house, him looking handsome as always and in a great mood. We got to the photographers and everything started going down hill. After getting everything set up my sweet little love bug goes into a temper tantrum and would not take a single picture. This was very alarming, he LOVES getting his picture taken and is always showing off. After an hour of him screaming at the top of his lungs and crying like a wild child we decided it would be best to reschedule and try again another day. Once we were home he perked back up and was his happy go lucky self again! Hopefully this was a freak event and we get capture this milestone this weekend!

My Day One outfit for Fashion Mommy 365. I love my new Etienne Aigner boots. I got a killer deal on them and couldn't be more happy with them! Sorry for the dirty mirror, my son was giving himself kisses. It will be cleaned before tomorrows picture! Hope you all have a fabulous night! Hope you check back tomorrow!