We are now into the 3rd trimester!! Woohoo!! Home stretch! I am feeling great and so excited to meet my sweetheart! He has been a very busy boy! I love all of his movement but its getting harder to sleep. Here's some bump pictures for the week. One of my best friends had her shower celebrating her first child. It was a great day and it was so great to see her! Our sons will be about 6 weeks apart and I'm so excited to watch them all grow up together!
Friday: pregnancy fitness DVD 2nd trimester
Saturday: day off for the shower
Sunday: Walked to and played at the park with Ryker (about 2 hours); 2 side planks per side, each held for 45 seconds; 2 planks held for 45 seconds each; 2 sets of 20 hip bridges.
Monday: My workout was broke up into 2 parts. The weather was horrible so we had to hit the treadmill and Ryker really wasn't up to it.
Part One: Treadmill 15 minutes (4 minutes at 4.3 mph at 5.0% incline, 4 minutes at 4.0 mph at 8.5% incline, 2 minutes at 4.2 mph at 0% incline, 5 minutes at 4.0 mph at 0% incline. Burning about 124 calories for a total of 1.01 miles)
2 sets 15 reps squats hold 15 lb dumbbells
10 alternating forward walking lunges with 15 lb dumb bells
15 reps per leg backward walking lunges with 10 lb dumb bells
10 squats to over head press with 10 lb dumb bells
10 bicep curls with 10 lb bells
10 triceps kickbacks with 10 lb bells
15 reps per leg curtsey lunges with 10 lb dumb bells
Part Two: Treadmill 17 minutes (1 mile at 4.1 mph at a 1.5 % incline; 1 minute per side, shuffling at 3.5 mph and 1.5% incline. (If you haven't done this before start at a slow pace and PLEASE hold on to the hand rails!!!) burned about 107 calories and went 1.12 miles.
Elliptical: 14:50 minutes, 1 mile at a 0 ramp and 4.2 resistance. Burned about 122 calories.
Tuesday was a day off
Wednesday, today: Ryker once again was not up for the gym but I did manage: 6.5 minutes on the treadmill. Totaling .60 of a mile and burning 60.3 calories. I did a jog/ power walk interval. 2 minute walk at 4.2 mph and 1 minute jog at 5.5 mph; with 0% incline.
Elliptical: intervals for 5 minutes (highs were at 10 ramp/ 5 resistance and The Lows were at 4 cross ramp/ 5 resistance. I also did 5 more minutes at a 10 cross ramp and 6 resistance. These two sessions totaled .86 of a mile in 10 minutes and burned about 98 calories.
After the gym I took Ryker to the park and played on the playground doing some stairs and then went for a mile walk. I finished today's workout with 2 sets of 20 donkey kicks per leg, a 40 second plank followed by lots of stretching!!
I hope you all have a lovely night! I am going to enjoy some peace and quiet since the little man went to bed early and might head that way myself!